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  • RFID隔磁片


Advanced Institute Technology RFID magnetic separator, can be customized with various thicknesses as needed; Welcome to inquire.


RFID magnetic diameter is a device that protects the RFID chip from external magnetic fields. Let's take a look at the role of RFID technology and magnetic movies.

RFID (RADIFREQUENCYENTIFICATION) radio frequency recognition technology is a technology that uses radio signals to recognize target objects. It is widely used in logistics management, vehicle recognition, access control system, library management, etc. in life. The RFID system consists of a reader and a RFID label. The reader sends a radio frequency signal to the label. Among them, the RFID chip inside the label plays the role of storage and processing information.

However, the RFID chip is easily disturbed by the external magnetic field, causing data loss or damage. To solve this problem, people invented RFID magnetic movies. It is made of a layer of magnetic shielding material, which can effectively block the impact of external magnetic fields and protect the stable operation of the RFID chip.

The main role of RFID magnetic movies is:

1. Isolation magnetic field interference: RFID diamonds can block the magnetic field into the RFID chip in the external strong magnetic field environment to avoid the magnetic field's interference of the internal data and functions of the chip.

2. Protecting data security: RFID magnetic movies can prevent data information from being illegally read, tampered with or copied illegally. By using magnetic movies, the information security of the RFID system can be effectively improved.

3. Extend the service life: By isolation of the magnetic field interference, the RFID magnetic film can reduce the loss of the RFID chip and extend its service life.

It should be noted that RFID magnetic movies are not used in all RFID application scenarios. Only in an environment where a strong magnetic field interference is existed or the information security requirements for the RFID system are high, can we consider using RFID magnetic movies.

Summary: RFID magnetic movies are a device that protects RFID chips from external magnetic fields. It plays a role in isolating magnetic field interference, protecting data security, and extending service life. However, not all RFID application scenarios need to use RFID magnetic movies. Only when the existence of strong magnetic field interference or high information security requirements need to be considered.

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