Our main products include flexible substrate coating, shielding materials, absorbing materials, precious metal slurries, and more!

Ceramic based absorbing materials
  • 防金属物导磁片




Anti -metal -proof magnetic movies are a material for shielding or weakening the interference of metal objects to electromagnetic waves. Here are several common types of anti -met metal -proof magnetic movies and their characteristics and application areas:

1. Iron oxygen material: Iron oxygen is a metal oxide material with high -guide magnetic rate. It has good magnetic guidance characteristics and high magnetic saturated magnetic induction strength. It is widely used in electromagnetic shielding, magnetic -conducting electrical components, power filtering and sensors.

2. Copper foil: Because copper has good conductivity and magnetic performance, it is often used in electronic devices for metal layer intervals or magnetic layers. Copper foil has good magnetic and shielding performance, which can effectively block the interference of metal objects on electromagnetic waves.

3. Molybdenum alloy: molybdenum alloy has high magnetic guidance and shielding performance, especially in high -frequency electromagnetic wave shielding. It is often used to make magnetic movies, radio frequency shields, etc.

4. Magnetic flexible board: Magnetic flexible board is a composite material composed of soft magnetic material powder and organic matter. It has good flexibility, plasticity and magnetic performance. It can be cut into different shapes as needed. It is widely used in electromagnetic shielding in electronic devices.

The use of these anti -metal magnetic movies can effectively weaken the interference of metal objects on electromagnetic waves and ensure the normal work of the equipment. When selecting and applying these materials, you need to select the appropriate materials and its thickness according to the specific needs and application environment to achieve the expected shielding effect.

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