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Efficient absorbing materials - the innovative path of single-layer structure

         Absorbing materialPlays an important role in the field of electromagnetic wave control and applications. However, there are complex preparation processes and research challenges associated with multi-layer structured absorbing materials in traditional solutions. To overcome these problems, scientists have made significant progress in achieving single-layer structured absorbing materials by changing the type, content, and material thickness of the absorbing agent. This article will focus on introducing Advanced Institute of TechnologyResearch achievements in single-layer structure absorbing materials.
Types and properties of absorbing materials:
The type and content of absorbing agents are key factors affecting the performance of absorbing materials. In the research of advanced technology, graphite powder is used as an absorber, and glass fiber is used as a reinforcement to prepare resin based absorbing composite materials. The experimental results show that as the graphite powder content and material thickness increase, the absorption peak of the composite material shifts towards lower frequencies. This indicates that the absorber content and material thickness have a significant impact on the absorption performance. The maximum reflection loss of the best sample reaches -16.8 dB, and the bandwidth with reflection loss less than -10 dB is 3 GHz.
Application of carbon black and carbon nanotubes:
In the research on glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin composite materials, Advanced Institute Technology has added different contents of carbon black (CB) and carbon nanotubes (CNT). The experimental results show that the composite material with 3% CB has the best absorption performance, with a maximum reflection loss of about -21 dB and an absorption bandwidth of about 3.6 GHz with a reflection loss less than -10 dB. This provides a useful reference for improving the absorption performance using carbon black and carbon nanotubes.
Advantages of multi walled carbon nanotubes:
The research of advanced institute technology also demonstrated Multi walled carbon nanotubesThe potential application of MWCNT in absorbing materials. A 2mm thick sheet was prepared by adding MWCNT as an absorber to glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin composite materials. In the range of 12-18 GHz, the material achieves a maximum reflection loss of -29.2 dB and has a bandwidth of less than -10 dB with a reflection loss of 4.91 GHz. Meanwhile, the material also possesses excellent mechanical properties, providing a reliable foundation for practical applications.
Research on Electromagnetic Loss Absorbing Agents:
Advanced Institute Technology has further improved the performance of absorbing materials by studying the combination of electromagnetic loss absorbing agents and magnetic loss absorbing agents. In the experiment, carbonyl iron powder (CIP) and CNT were used as absorbers, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was used as the matrix material. The results showed that the material achieved optimal absorption performance at 8.5 GHz when the CNT mass fraction was 0.6%.
Single layer structured absorbing materials have been applied in the field of electromagnetic wave control by changing parameters such as the type, content, and material thickness of the absorbing agent. Research in the field of advanced materials science has shown that materials such as graphite powder, carbon black, carbon nanotubes, and multi walled carbon nanotubes have the potential to be used to prepare efficient absorbing materials. Meanwhile, electric loss absorbing agents and Magnetic loss absorberThe combination has also opened up new avenues for improving absorption performance. In the future, we can expect the widespread application of single-layer structured absorbing materials in fields such as communication, military, and aviation.


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